Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Above and beyond...

So I heard a phrase today on a conference call with a large number of people who make a large amount of money.  The call was for an upcoming series of event entitled 'Millionaire Training' - more information can be found here:

Now just to point something out, each one of those couples make 500k or more a year doing exactly what we are now...helping other people improve their lives, by increasing their health, wealth and spiritial well being, which in turn allows for more time to be devoted to family, friends and person.  This training will be amazing, I know it, I feel it, I encourage EVERYONE TO GO!!!

So back to this phrase - 'We were willing to do what average people will not'.  It made a huge impact on me during the phone call.  I want all of you who are reading this to actually say it out loud.  DO I'm not kidding, say it out loud, 'I am willing to do what average people will not.'  This phrase is the one thing that WILL make you a champion.  Embrace it and take steps to do it.  

As many of you know, I consider myself as far from average as it gets...and I think everyone else does to, much to my wife's chagrin, although after 16 yrs, I'm sure she's gotten used to it by now right???  Now from experience, I can honestly tell you that the people I've met who have excelled beyond expectation are those that take this phrase to heart and apply to what they do.

So what does this mean exactly?  How does it apply to me, the wife or anyone else?  Well it means we have to step out of our box, our little area of comfort, that 'zone' we all have that is nice and warm and cuddly.  It means doing things that we normally wouldn't, like talking to the lady in the booth next to you at the restaurant, or investing time to talk to local businesses and making sure that ALL of your friends and family knowwhat Advocare has done for others and most importantly what it has done for you!

What's your Advocare story?  I've lost over 25lbs, 3 inches off my waistline and have been given the wonderful opportunity to enrich the lives of others and getting paid to do it!  By the end of the year, we will be making $10,000 a month.  I feel it, I know it and I BELIEVE IT!

Now I ask you this.  Are you average? 

Saturday, February 20, 2010

The 3 ABSOLUTES to physical development

So having been a Personal Trainer for a number of years, I have always found it very rewarding to help other achieve their personal fitness goals.  We all have them, and whether or not we work towards them is always the determining factor in whether we reach them or not.  We've all made the same excuses, each and every one of us.  I'm sure you've said one of these few phrases; 'I'll go to the gym tomorrow, I'm just too tired right now', 'I'll start my workout program next month, soon as I finish....', 'I just don't have the time, and I only need to lose a few pounds, it can wait for a few weeks', 'There's just too much going on in my life right now, I'll get to it soon'....

Well you may not have said it to me, or to someone else, but you know you've said it to yourself...I know I have.  Well everyone has to have enough internal motivation to make something happen, no one else can motivate you to take the steps that need to be taken....but when the time for action is at hand, here are the 3 ABSOLUTES that everyone needs to know and understand when it comes to changing your physical makeup.  No matter what your goals are, they all apply, the human body does have rules, but each body reacts to those rules a bit differently so it's up to you to figure that part out...I can only help with guidance and knowledge.

ABSOLUTE #1 - Nutrition.  The single most important absolute, your diet determines your results.

ABSOLUTE #2 - Physical Resistance (Anaerobic Exercise).  You must build muscle to burn fat.

ABSOLUTE #3 - Aerobic Exercise. - You must elevate your heart rate to increase strength of your cardiovascular system and improve oxygen levels and blood flow in your system.

Now why are these things important and why do I say they are absolutes?  The human body is governed by a series of laws and the only way to enact change is to understand the laws so you can make them work for you. 

Absolute #1 is really simple, you are what you eat, you've heard it and it's the truth, your body uses certain things to do certain things.  Protein for example is required to build muscle, carbohydrates won't build muscle, fat won't build muscle (but it is required to synthesize protein to actually build said muscle, so in a way it helps, but it does not become muscle tissue).  Carbohydrates are required to power your cells, the body converts them to energy, and in a fine tuned system it will flush what it doesn't use, but in a system that thinks it's starved it will store them as fat cells.  So understanding what to eat and when to eat it is the most important aspect of any program.

Absolute #2 is fairly simple to understand - building muscle burns roughly 3 1/2 times more calories than cardiovascular exercise.  Muscle is the most active tissue in the human body and is essential to life. It is estimated that one pound of muscle requires 50 to 100 calories per day to function. Increasing a person's muscle mass by as little as three to five pounds can have a profound effect on daily caloric expenditure by raising Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR), or the number of calories needed by the body to carry out basic daily functions. The average man burns 100 calories for every mile he runs, and most women burn even less.  The addition of muscle tissue is mandatory to increase resting caloric burn.

Absolute #3 is again easy to understand, but a bit tougher to master.  For a body to correctly process the nutrition it receives and flush out the waste created by resistance training, it must have proper oxygen levels and blood flow.  The important thing to understand though is to reach maximum fat burn during cardiovascular exercise, you must know your own target heart rate.  Your target heart rate is determined by finding your maximum heart rate - 220 minus your age and then multiplying by .65 and .75.  That will give you a range to shoot for to maximize fat burn.  Too high and your body will actually start using muscle for fuel (that's why you don't see a whole lot of really muscular marathon runners, and why really muscular people have a tough time running marathons).  Too low and you're not achieving any form of fat burn at all, though you will still be increasing your pulmonary strength which is always good.

The 3 ABSOLUTES do walk hand in hand, you cannot just ignore one, or neglect one or conveniently forget one to actually achieve the goals you have set forth, trust me I know, I conveniently forget cardio work on a regular basis.  :D

Obviously there is a lot more to it than just the basics above, but at least knowing where to start, hopefully you are a bit better armed moving forward.  If you have any specific questions just let me know and I'll answer them best as I can.

Have a fantastic day and work hard to become The Next Champion!!!


It's GO time!

Welcome to the Team Osborne Advocare Blog!!!!  I don't think TOAB is a good acronym but's a start right?

So looks like it's time for an introduction and a mission statement.  My name is Derek Osborne, my wife Brittney and I put this blog up for one single purpose...'to improve the lives of others'. It will serve as a source of information for not only our team to stay up to date on all things Advocare, but also for anyone who wants to learn more about leading a healthier lifestyle, tips and tricks when working out, building and developing your Advocare business, plus I'm sure I'll put in the random quib or quip.

I encourage feedback, question, suggestions and comments as much and as often as possible, as I like to learn new things as well!!!

First up three keys to success!!!

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Test post from the phone...updates on all things Advocare and getting healty, wealthy and wise to follow....