OK!!! Condensing this post, since I think I'm the only one who actually reads this blog, I may not post on it everyday like I did with Cycle 1, not only do I forget to do it sometimes, but posting at midnight doesn't seem to get the notifications to anyone. So if someone out there is reading it, please let me know that the daily posts are something you would like to see continue and I'll set a reminder to do it in the afternoons.
A note on pre and post workout supplements. Unless noted, my pre-workout supplements will consist of Catalyst x 3, ThermoPlus x 2 and A-Supreme or O2 Gold. Post-workout will be OmegaPlex daily with Post-Workout Recovery on weight days.
Day 1 - Core Synergistics...just like last week!! Hammered through it and finished the entirety!
Day 2 - Weights!!!! Rescheduled!!! Since this week we are down a car (SAAB is in the shop) Tuesdays don't work for the gym - so CardioX!!! So far, still enjoy it...and it's cardio work....don't make any sense to me.
Day 3 - WEIGHTS!!! Back and Tris.
Now since we're on a new cycle, that means we have new rules in the weight room. This time there is only a single rule and that would be the rule of Super 2's!
What is the rule of Super 2's? Well it's 2 exercises supersetted with 2 other exercises - so 4 exercises per body part total. What's a superset? A superset is two exercises back to back with no rest between. You go straight to the second exercise. Typically it will be an opposing angle or motion to the first exercise targeting the same muscle.
So for Back here's what we did - yes we...the wife went this time!! Yea wife!
Seated Rows / Standing Upright Rows
75 x 15 70 x 12
150 x 12 70 x 12
These should be self explanatory - sit on a bench and pull weight to chest - keeping shoulders back and bringing shoulder blades together. Standing Uprights, bar bell held at waist and raised to shoulders.
Iso High Rows (Inverse Pull-downs) / Standing Reverse Fly
140 x 15 35 x 12
150 x 12 25 x 12
Iso High Rows is a free weight machine - seated with palms in, weights pulled from overhead to waist level. Standing Reverse Fly - 40 degree bend at waist, weights are raised out above shoulders with arms straight.
Tri Pushdown / Seated Tri Raise
70 x 15 50 x 12
90 x 12 65 x 12
Standard single pulley pushdown facing away from weight stack - standard seated tri raise on flat bench, weight lowered behind head.
Tri-Dip / Standing EZ Curl Press-up
150 x 15 55 x 12
165 x 12 65 x 12
Seated dips - elbows in tight to keep all pressure on outer head of triceps. Standing EZ Curl - elbows locked at ears, bar lowered behind head.
There ya have it...the start of week 1!!!!
Tonight AbRipperX!!!