Friday, March 5, 2010

The Proof is in the Pudding... long as it's made from Post-Workout Recovery!  As most all of my friends and family know, I've been a Gym Rat most of my life.  And like most Gym Rat's my relationship with the gym is one of love and hate, and with that love/hate relationship like all love/hate relationships it's an on/off relationship.  One of the things that plays into that love/hate relationship is the soreness and fatigue that I experience.  Let's be honest shall we?  There have been days when I woke up, fell outta bed and thought to myself 'o Lord why did you let me do that to myself???'  Now I'm not talking about being sore here...I'm talking about absolute massive muscular destruction!  Complete and utter tear down of the fiber, absolute sheer shredded tissue at the cellular level!!!!  Anyone who's done heavy legs with me will tell you exactly what I'm talking about.  If you haven't experienced the joy for yourself, leg days are Thursdays at the 24hr fitness on Andreson at 10am...feel free to show up and ask to be included. 

So why exactly am I going on about muscle pain?  Well to give a quick summation about what happens to your muscles after a heavy workout and why they are sore we have to start with the basics.  When you grab a weight (or anything that is in addition to your hand...even a hammer) your muscles have to do extra work.  Now what happens next is what causes that soreness we all feel after doing a bit of exercise or hard work - muscle soreness is a result of microscopic tearing of the muscle fibers. The amount of tearing (and soreness) depends on how hard and how long you exercise and what type of exercise you do. Any movement you aren't used to can lead to muscle soreness, hence the hammer reference, but most of the time that soreness comes from forced muscle contractions through resistance training.  OK fine you say...what's the relevance and why do I care.

Well the relevance is simple, I workout therefore I get sore - if you workout you get sore.  I've always been a 2nd day sore guy, meaning that the day after a workout I'm a little sore, but the 2nd day after a workout I've been know to be completely incapacitated...I mean can't walk up the stairs so I have to crawl up them sore, can't wash my hair cause I can't lift my arms above my head sore.  I call those days trainwrecks.  :P

Well my friends, I want to introduce you to something that has literally gotten rid of my trainwrecks...and basically eliminated all my soreness in general.  It's a great little product called Post-Workout Recovery  I can honestly say I WILL NOT workout without it.  I proved that statement to myself two weeks back.  Two weeks ago I ran out of PWR two days before leg day (that'd be Tuesday) and my order hadn't shown up yet on Thursday, but I went to workout anyways...'I'll just tone it down and take it easy'...well we toned it down, did some out of the norm exercises and instead of PWR I used Muscle Gain for my post workout drink.  Now Muscle Gain is a great product, but it's not meant for post workout, it's a pure protein...designed to build muscle and cut body fat...well lets just say that not only did I have my 2nd day train wreck, I had it on day 3 as well.  HOLY COW my legs were absolutely decimated.  Well my PWR showed for last weeks workouts, and I hit legs 3 times as hard as I did two weeks ago.  Well today is day 1 and I have ZERO soreness, and from experience I know that I will not have any soreness tomorrow.  

So why does PWR work?  What is it that makes it this miracle product?

Post-Workout Recovery Sports Drink contains more than 30 vitamins, minerals and other nutrients that support the muscles' metabolic processes in recovery and helps minimize occasional soreness after workouts. Post-Workout Recovery combines the muscle-supporting nutrition used by hundreds of professional and world-class athletes across the United States. Post-Workout Recovery helps enhance physical performance and endurance while supplying essential components for muscle repair and gain during and after physical activity. The unique blend of high-quality protein combined with glucose polymers and other carbohydrates, gives the body energy and structural support.

Post-Workout Recovery also contains branched-chain amino acids to support muscle recovery, growth and endurance. Finally, the antioxidants present in this advanced sports drink help the body ward off free radicals that are commonly produced as a result of exercise.

I'd love for any of you who have not tried the Post-Workout Recovery to do so...if you wanna do legs with us, I'll make sure I have enough for you as well.  

Post-Workout Recovery info:
  • Available in Chocolate and Vanilla
  • Offered in pouches and canisters
  • Helps minimize muscle soreness after strenuous activity
  • Supplies essential components for muscle repair to optimize muscle recovery
  • Helps maintain and restore energy supplies during and after physical activity
  • Contains branched-chain amino acids to support muscle recovery, growth and endurance.

If you've got any questions, let me know!!


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