Thursday, November 4, 2010

Cycle 2 Week 1 Days 1 - 3 and the rules for this round

OK!!!  Condensing this post, since I think I'm the only one who actually reads this blog, I may not post on it everyday like I did with Cycle 1, not only do I forget to do it sometimes, but posting at midnight doesn't seem to get the notifications to anyone.  So if someone out there is reading it, please let me know that the daily posts are something you would like to see continue and I'll set a reminder to do it in the afternoons.

A note on pre and post workout supplements.  Unless noted, my pre-workout supplements will consist of Catalyst x 3, ThermoPlus x 2 and A-Supreme or O2 Gold.  Post-workout will be OmegaPlex daily with Post-Workout Recovery on weight days.

Day 1 - Core Synergistics...just like last week!!  Hammered through it and finished the entirety!

Day 2 - Weights!!!!  Rescheduled!!!  Since this week we are down a car (SAAB is in the shop) Tuesdays don't work for the gym - so CardioX!!!  So far, still enjoy it...and it's cardio work....don't make any sense to me.

Day 3 - WEIGHTS!!!  Back and Tris.

Now since we're on a new cycle, that means we have new rules in the weight room.  This time there is only a single rule and that would be the rule of Super 2's!

What is the rule of Super 2's?  Well it's 2 exercises supersetted with 2 other exercises - so 4 exercises per body part total.  What's a superset?  A superset is two exercises back to back with no rest between.  You go straight to the second exercise.  Typically it will be an opposing angle or motion to the first exercise targeting the same muscle.

So for Back here's what we did - yes we...the wife went this time!! Yea wife!

Seated Rows   /   Standing Upright Rows
75 x 15                            70 x 12
150 x 12                          70 x 12

These should be self explanatory - sit on a bench and pull weight to chest - keeping shoulders back and bringing shoulder blades together.  Standing Uprights, bar bell held at waist and raised to shoulders.

Iso High Rows (Inverse Pull-downs)   /   Standing Reverse Fly
140 x 15                                                            35 x 12
150 x 12                                                            25 x 12

Iso High Rows is a free weight machine - seated with palms in, weights pulled from overhead to waist level. Standing Reverse Fly - 40 degree bend at waist, weights are raised out above shoulders with arms straight.


Tri Pushdown   /   Seated Tri Raise
70 x 15                         50 x 12
90 x 12                         65 x 12

Standard single pulley pushdown facing away from weight stack - standard seated tri raise on flat bench, weight lowered behind head.

Tri-Dip   /   Standing EZ Curl Press-up
150 x 15                   55 x 12
165 x 12                   65 x 12

Seated dips - elbows in tight to keep all pressure on outer head of triceps.  Standing EZ Curl - elbows locked at ears, bar lowered behind head.

There ya have it...the start of week 1!!!!

Tonight AbRipperX!!!

Monday, November 1, 2010

Cycle 2 Mulligan!!!

Holy week of failures!!  I got in 1 workout, yup just 1, with 4 of the 7 nights getting home after 9pm, 1 of which was well after midnight due to my car breaking down in Kalama, I have to basically call a 'do over' for the week.  So starting fresh again...Cory Synergistics here I come!!!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Week 1 Day 1 - Cycle 2

Core Synergistics!!!

The wife comes downstairs while I'm in the middle of this workout and says 'I've never done this looks hard.' - I can laugh now at this mild understatement, but lets just say that while I was in the middle of banana rolls, I didn't find it very amusing...specially since once again I'm working solo.

I did manage to finish the entire workout with a raging headache though...and the low back is a little sore today, but CS is a ton of core it's kinda expected.

A weeks rest really was solid, I did more reps on most of the 'max reps' phases like most of the push-ups, I kept up on almost all of the ab work (had to take a little break on the superman bananas and the bow to boat as the boat is rough on my lower back) and powered through all the lunge and lower body work.  Which means overall, I've shown myself a good amount of improvement in 4 weeks.

Pre-workout - tonight I put down the Arginine Extreme with the A-Supreme and Catalyst, I skipped the ThermoPlus as I already sweat buckets when doing CS.

Post-workout - OmegaPlex and Joint Promotion.

Tonight is gym night, but I have a HUGE AdvoCare event to attend, so I may not make it...if I don't gym in the morning!!!

Monday, October 25, 2010

Cycle 1 Recap

Alright!  So what did I learn from the first Cycle?

Well first thing is this - if I don't have to write a blog...well I probably won't, so easy to forget about.
Working out 7 days a week is really hard, both physically and mentally.
Doing it alone is even harder, that's right with the exception of 2 or 3 workouts that the wife decided to join me on, this whole process has been solo.  And not one single comment on my blog, so I'm curious, is anyone reading this thing?  If so, let me know!!!

Other things learned:

Doing AbRipperX the day after leg day is damn near impossible
Going to the gym every night on the weekend takes absolute and sheer dominate will power (as in it's really really hard to do).
Putting your body through 7 days of workouts requires a lot more food.

Things I noticed:

Loss of body fat in my body fat heavy areas (the loooove handles).
My brand new jeans are loose (don't tell the wife).
More vascular in the arms when working out (this means veins are popping out).
More defined areas of the body - legs, arms and back.

So last Cycle went like this (after a first week adjustment)

Monday - AbRipperX
Tuesday - Cardio X
Wednesday - XStretch
Thursday - Core Synergistics
Friday - Back and Shoulders - Gym
Saturday - Chest and Arms - Gym
Sunday - Legs - Gym

So round 2 here we come - new Cycle new rotation, and taking the things we learned from Cycle 1 into account we'll be splitting our gym days and keeping AbRipperX away from Leg day and Core Synergistics.  We'll also be upgrading XStretch to YogaX!!

Monday - Core Synergistics
Tuesday - Back and Tri's - Gym
Wednesday - CardioX
Thursday - AbRipperX
Friday - Legs and Shoulders - Gym
Saturday - YogaX
Sunday - Chest and Bi's - Gym

So there it is...the road map to the next Cycle - so tonight after Tom Tyson's super terrific mixer - Core Synergistics!!!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Week 4 Day 7 - End Cycle 1

Sweet!!!  I made it through the first cycle without dying...missed a couple of workouts and learned quite a bit from this new experience.  I've never worked out 7 days a week before.  Ever.

I'll go over my last leg workout right quick and sometime in the next couple of days, I'll recap and post my thoughts, what I've learned and what I have planned for Cycle 2.

Lying Leg Press - standard leg press machine with the seat in the bottom position so your body is at a 90-100 degree bend, feet are shoulder with apart and in a mid/neutral position on the sled, or what I call a relaxed position on the sled.  The sled on this machine weights 60lbs and I stack it with 45lb plates.
4 plates x 20 (240lb)
14 plates x 12 (600lbs)
16 plates x 12 (690lbs)

Seated Leg Extension - neutral seating position on the bench, legs are roughly 8-10 apart on the pad.  Follow the instructions on the machine you are using to make sure you are seated correctly (or ask a trainer).
130 x 20
145 x 12
160 x 12

Seated Leg Curls - same as leg extensions - neutral position but with feet together on pad this time.
115 x 20
130 x 12
145 x 12

I know I's the same workout I did week 1...well too bad, that's what I did!  :D  Honestly I wasn't in the mood to get creative and since I write everything in a journal I take with me to the gym, I had a roadmap.

Pre-workout consists of Arginine Extreme, Catalyst x 3 and Thermo x 2

Post-workout - Post-Workout Recovery immediately after final set and OmegaPlex on the arrival at home.

Recap to follow soon!!!

Monday, October 18, 2010

Week 4 Day 6 - ARMageddon and some chest too!

Last chest and arms workout...and I can say that I'm actually very happy about it.  :D

Man does my body hurt, looking forward to the break fo sho!

So tonights workout was rough, back was a bit stiff from the back/shoulder workout, and my neck is just giving me fits (that happens when I do dumbbell shrugs).

But I muscled through it anyhow...HA nice pun!!!  OK fine...but I laughed.

Here's the breakdown - 

Flat Bench Dumbbell Flys - arms bent and lowered out to your sides and then pulled together, this is a FLY not a press.
30 x 20
42.5 x 12
45 x 12

Incline Dumbbell Press - Standard (no rotations, just straight pressing to the ceiling here)
40 x 20
52.5 x 12
60 x 12 - almost didn't finish this set

Cable Cross-Overs - nothing special here but it's another cross/fly type movement, I wanted to get a good stretch in the muscle and this always feels good for that.
50 x 20
60 x 12
60 x 12

Standing Alternating Dumbbell Curls - the basic standing one arm at a time curl...make sure to get a good supination at the top.
25 x 20
35 x 12
40 x 12

Straight Bar - Squat Rack - Standard Grip - this one uses the long bar on the squat rack - standard grip shoulder width hurt.
65 x 20
70 x 12
70 x 12

Standing Cable Cross-Body Curls - I really like the Freemotion all in one machine - so for this one, bars are at the floor and wide, elbows in tight to the sides and curling across the right hand to left shoulder, alternating.
7.5 x 20
12.5 x 12
15 x 12

Push Downs - Inverted V bar - back to pulleys - for push downs you have single pulley machines with your back to the pulley or 2 pulley machines where you face them.  This one is harder and forces some minor ab work.  Elbows in tight to the sides and arms never go higher than parallel to the floor.
50 x 20
70 x 12
90 x 12

Rope Pull Over - double pulley machine - rope attachment - facing away from pulleys you bring the rope over your head, lock your elbows to your ears and extend your arms to straight and flex your wrists down.
70 x 20
110 x 12
130 x 12

Seated Behind the Head Kick Backs/Ups  - sit in the small chair, elbow at ear and lower weight behind head...kick it up.
20 x 20
25 x 12
25 x 12

Pre-workout - A-Supreme, Arginine Extreme, Catalyst x 3

Post-workout - Post-Workout Recover immediately following last set, OmegaPlex upon arrival to house.

Legs and I'm done for the first cycle.  I'll be doing a 'post cycle wrap up' this week to let ya know what I've learned and my thoughts on how things went.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Week 4 Day 5 - Back to it!

So no Core Synergistics last night, the wife hogged the TV til midnight...stoopid FBI shows...finally I can blame someone else for me being a slacker!!! Oh interrupting my wonderful schedule!!!  Yea that worx.

OK tonight is back and shoulders for the last time (I'll be switching things up next cycle) - so I went in with the 'combo' approach, meaning that I wanted compound movements where possible to work both back and shoulders with each exercise.  So effectively each muscle got 6 exercises tonight.

High - Seated Rows - "H" bar - no this does not mean sitting in a high chair.  When you look at a seated row machine you can place your feet on a high platform or a low platform, most gyms should have both, if not...well this one might be tough.  Sit at roughly 80degrees with the "H" bar - this bar is set so that your arms are shoulder width apart and your palms are facing each other.  Pull straight back to chest arms parallel to floor - this arm/hand placement brings more work to the read shoulders and upper back.
105 x 20
150 x 12
180 x 12

Seated Reverse Fly - you want to raise the seat so that your hands are right at armpit level - keeping your arms straight you swing the weight back as far as you can - literally a reverse fly movement.
60 x 20
90 x 12
105 x 12

Standing Upright Rows - EZ Curl bar - I used the EZ Curl bar as it's not as rough on the wrists and allows me to pull the weight higher.  Knees bent, straight back, weight starts at the hip and is pulled straight up the body to the chin.
55 x 20
75 x 12
80 x 12

Leaning lateral/rear delt raise - you will need to stand behind an incline bench elevated to its top position about 10-12 inches and lean forward.  This is a single arm exercise with one arm/hand supporting the lean on the top of the bench. Weight starts at a neutral position in front of body and is raised sideways stopping and holding just above the shoulder.  Keep your body flat to the floor.  This is a more advanced movement so lighter weights.
25 x 20
40 x 12
40 x 12

Seated Dumbbell Press - just like what it says...sit in the little chair and press those dumbbells over your head, lowering them to your shoulders.
45 x 20
60 x 12
50 x 12 (normally start with this exercise, but someone was using the one and only small chair so I had to drop weight as I wore out the muscle in the previous exercise and knew I wouldn't finish 12 at 50 again).

Standing Dumbbell Shrug - this is more for the rounding the traps than anything else.  It's not a building exercise, just a shaping one.  Weights start at sides, slight forward lean, shrug shoulders to ears, keeping arms straight.  DO NOT rotate shoulders with this exercise...bad bad bad!!!
90 x 20
100 x 12
100 x 12 (I was tired, normally I jump up again...but long week).  :D

Pre-workout tonight was Arginine Extreme, Catalyst x 3

Post-workout - Post-Workout Recovery immediately following last set, OmegaPlex upon home arrival.

Chest and Arms tomorrow night!!!  Last time there too!!!

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Week 4 Day 3 - the home STRETCH!!!

Well last XStretch as next cycle, I'll be changing it out for YogaX - this one was a late nighter, started just before midnight.

Straight into the pre-workout today - A-Supreme and Catalyst - no Thermo this time...Thermo before bed is a bit too much for me...I end up just way to hot to sleep.

Post-workout - OmegaPlex and Bio-RQ with a shot of protein.

Core Synergistics tonight!!!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Week 4 Day 2 - Bring it!

I've just got to say that our dog Boris...a 170lb St. Bernard goes ape over ice cubes and it crax me up.

OK, now that I've got that outta the way...Cardio X for the last time this cycle and I FINISHED IT!!!  WOOO BUDDY!! All the way thru, no breaks, no missed steps.  Man that felt good.

Personal triumph number 1!  Sweet sauce!

Well celebrations over, got more work to do this week, so on with the bidniz.

Pre-workout - today was the A-Supreme/Catalyst/Thermo cocktail 10 minutes sidetracked and almost forgot!!! :P

Post-workout - OmegaPlex and a Muscle Gain shake.  See last post for the recipe....oh this time I added a teaspoon of honey.

Feeling good about the finish tonight, but man my legs and hip flexors are on FIIIYA!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Week 4 Day 1 - It's all downhill from here!

Wooooweee!!!  Holy cow, into week 4 already?  Next week is a break very little in the way of updates unless I read a fabulous article I must share.

So AbRipperX last night...again it's not AbRipper 100 or's AbRipper 349!!!  Did I get all the way through?  Nope...failed again!!!  Abs right after legs is just plain I missed 5 or 6 here and 5 or 6 I would estimate that I hit the 300-310 mark...getting closer but there are still a few that just destroy me...I'm looking at you Mr. Crunchy Frog!

Again my pre-workout is a bit different since there's no huge output on ARX night - so it started with one of my super duper awesomely possomly Muscle Gain shakes 45 minutes before, followed by the Catalyst/Thermo combo we've come to know and love 15 minutes later.

What's in the shake you ask? Oh that's's my recipe for one of my fav's and the one I had yesterday.

One whole banana
3 frozen strawberries
3 ice cubes
2 scoops of Vanilla Muscle Gain
8-10oz of OJ

MMMMM tasty!!!

Post - workout once again is the super dee duper OmegaPlex.

Tonight...I'm ready to sweat like a mad man!!!

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Week 3 Day 7 - Legs of Doooooom!!!

Well I guess it's only right that the longest workout of the week is followed by the second shortest right???  I mean really...26 minutes for a leg workout?  Seriously?  It might seem like a little...but it hurts a whole LOT!

OK so straight to it

Legs - when the workouts are quick I'm not one to get super creative on leg day, so even though I do my best to rotate through exercises, there will invariably be some overlap.

Hack Squat - Standing Machine - this is a machine that you lean back on (you're at roughly a 40degree incline) and drop your butt to your heels.  Feet are shoulder width and high on the platform.  I believe the sled weighs 60lbs, and this will be a total plate count not weight (these are much harder to do and a lot rougher on the knees, so be mindful of what your body is telling you here).
2 plates x 20 (1 each side)
4 plates x 12 (2 each side)
6 plates x 12 (3 each side)

Leg Extensions - Wide feet (last week we did narrow/touching feet) - we're concentrating more on the outside of the quads today.
100 x 20
145 x 12
160 x 12

Straight Legged Deadlift - Dumbbells - this is extremely rough on the body below the rib cage, the low back, the abs, the hips, the rear, the hams and the'll feel it most along your back side though.  Feet and hands are shoulder width apart, weights are in front of body, keeping your legs straight but not locked you are touching your toes with your fists (your feet should fit between the weights of the dumbbell...if not...holy cow you gots big feets).
45 x 20
60 x 12
70 x 12

You should hate me at the end of this...really.  Got a great sweat and really drove the legs into the ground in a quick way.

Pre-workout - Arginine Extreme, Catalyst x 3, ThermoPlus x 1

Post-workout - Post-Workout Recovery immediately after the last set.  45 minutes later, A-Supreme and Joint Promotion as my knees were hurting on that last set of hack squats.  Normally I take the Joint Promotion with my breakfast, but I'm doubling up today.

AbRipperX tomorrow...maybe this time I'll get all the way through!!

Week 3 Day 6 - A call to arms!

By the time I got home last night, I just didn't feel like typing....and well I had church and some friends over, so am just now getting to last nights log.

So Chest, Bi's and Tri's - longest workout of the week, 3 body parts, 3 exercises so 9 total...3 per for 27 total sets - that's a bit of a time investment.  :P

I'm just going to get right to it:


Flat Dumbbell Press - standard flat bench bench press.  If you don't know the rules to the lift, ask, otherwise I'll just think that you know how to do it.  Again with dumbbells.
50 x 20
65 x 12
75 x 12

Incline Dumbbell Press - 90degree rotation/hands to shoulders - sounds complicated but its not.  Incline bench dropped all the way to post - so roughly 45degree angle. As you drop the weights to your shoulders you rotate the palms in 90degrees and keep your hands over your shoulders.
42.5 x 20
47.5 x 12
50 x 8 - 35 x 4 (with the shortened rest period, 50 was too much to finish)

Elevator Cross-ups - basically standing cable raises.  Crossover machine, standing square between the weight stacks, facing perpendicular and 2-4 steps out of center (towards a mirror/wall essentially).  Knees slightly bent, hands begin behind and to the side of your rear and the weights are brought up in a single motion to above your eyes, keeping your arms straight thru the movement, bringing your hands together at the top of the motion.  Sounds more complicated than it is. Ask if you need help, I'll make a quick video or something.
40 x 20
50 x 12 tough
40 x 12

Bi's - I go to the bicep first to give the tri's a break after the chest workout.

Straight Bar Cable Curls (double pulley) - bent knees, short straight bar, start with arms extended straight and curl up to nose keeping elbows at your side.
40 x 20
60 x 12
80 x12

Standing Alt Hammer Curls - dumbbells again (see a pattern???) - hammer curls are straight arm, palms in, curl to 90-100degree keeping palms in thru the movement.
20 x 20
30 x 12
35 x 12

EZ Curl Bar - this is the shorter bar bell that kind of looks like a 'W' - arms straight, curl to shoulders.
55 x 20
65 x 12
75 x 12

Tri's - now that they've had a time to rest we get to totally shred them...and they're sore today, so I KNOW I did a good job.  ;D

Standing Bent Bar Push Downs (single pulley) - this bar is a very small inverted upside down 'V'.  Arms at 90degrees, elbows locked at your sides and push straight down - do not let weights go past 90 on the return.
40 x 20
65 x 12
75 x 12

Crossface Extention - these might scare you a bit, but it's ok as you have your other arm to spot yourself.  :P  Lying on a flat bench you will start with the dumbbell above your face, your shoulder slightly elevated and your chin tucked into the shoulder, palm towards your feet.  Lower the weight across your face while keeping your free hand in the crook of your elbow, extend to return to a straight arm.  If you start to tire, move your freehand to your wrist to spot the drop and push. 
17.5 x 20
30 x 12
30 x 12

Reverse Push Downs (double pulley)  - 'W' bar outside grip - palms are up on this exercise, using the bar that looks like a 'W' grip the bar on the outside so your biceps are slightly supinated (palms turned in towards each other), I generally stick my thumbs on the outside of the bar.  Extend arms to floor, keeping your knees bent and a bit of a bend in your lower back.

It was a good solid workout, I was sweating like mad at the end and my arms were on fire.  

Pre-workout - Arginine Extreme, Catalyst x 3

Post-workout - Post-Workout Recovery immediately following, OmegaPlex and Bio-RQ when I got back to the homestead.

Off to do some legs!

Friday, October 8, 2010

Week 3 Day 4 - it's all about the Core!

So as I was getting set to get my sweat on last night, I ran out of gas...literally just hit a wall of no return.  So for the first time in 2 yrs I actually went to bed before midnight.

So first thing this morning...well third thing actually as I dropped the girls of at school as the first and second things.  :P  I fired up the Core Synergitics and went to work.  This one still hurts the most for's just brutal, and some of you know that I've got a bad back, and this morning it wasn't being nice to me, but I wasn't in pain, so for the most part I just worked through it.  Felt great after though, and the back has been super tight all day long which is forcing me to take a pause on my normal Friday night workout - I know when I can push it and when I shouldn't and believe me I don't want to end up laid up for 3 days.  It's not fun...I cry...alot.

So no weights tonight - but I'll be all over it tomorrow, we may push the days over 1 and do a double workout on Monday...maybe.  We'll see.

So this morning

Pre - workout - good breakfast and a protein shake as my pre-workout (still on the MNS 3)

Post - workout - OmegaPlex x 2

US healthcare shortens American life expectancy

Two little articles that should really grab your attention.

Since the 1980s, obesity has spread at an alarming rate. Across OECD countries, one in 2 adults is currently overweight and 1 in 6 is obese. The rate of overweight people is projected to increase by a further 1% per year for the next 10 years in some countries.
Rates are highest in the United States and Mexico and lowest in Japan and Korea, but have been growing virtually everywhere.

American citizens have a lower life expectancy than their counterparts in 48 other countries.

US healthcare shortens American life expectancy

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Week 3 Day 3 - stretch it out

Well this should have been posted last night, but due to some drunk driver pulling a spectacular hit and run on a power transformer up the road, we were on the power grid that lost power for a couple of hours....good times.

Anyhow, this is still the quickest hour of the week when it comes to the workout - soooo nice.  I'm sure I had something great to type about it last night...but alas that moment is long gone.

So pre-workout - A-Supreme, Catalyst x 3, Thermo x 1 and since I missed my MNS at lunch, I had my lunch MNS with it was pre-pre-workout.  :D

Post workout - OmegaPlex x 2

Off to do some Core!!!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Week 3 Day 2 - Burn baby Burn!


Man that was a fast 43 minutes tonight, and like last week I went even further before taking a break.  I kept pace pretty darn good and rolled right up to the 8 minute mark!  Good stuff cause the last 5 minutes is actually cool down!  So next week I expect to finish straight through...

Same routine - Yoga to get warmed up, Kenpo to feel like you're uncoordinated and get the heart rate escalated, Plyo's to work those twitch muscles and keep the heart rate up and then Core to just plain old make you feel worked over!!  I am actually starting to enjoy this odd.

Short post tonight as it's late, the showers on and I'm drippin sweat.

Pre-workout - again since I started in on the MNS-3 this week, I actually finished my packs with a late dinner and hit the usual Catalyst x 3 and Thermo x 2.

Post-workout - the almighty Omega's with plenty of water, before I crash I'll hit the Bio-RQ with a light before bed protein snack and possibly a shot of A-Supreme...yea...sounds good.

Tomorrows set up for a nice long streeeetch!!!

Monday, October 4, 2010

Week 3 Day 1 - The AbRipper Strikes Back

So obviously week 2 day 6 and 7 are missing - trying to maintain a 7 day workout is tougher than I'd thought it to be. Day 6, in Longview til 10:30, home at 11ish, tough to go to the gym with church in the morning.  Day 7, after no sleep the night before, up early for church (Taylore was an usher for service!!!), I just didn't have any juice in me - listen to your body, if you're not ready to workout, you WILL injure yourself.

So Day 1 of week 3 - this isn't AbRipper 100 or 200...this is AbRipper 339!! with a bonus 10 on the Mason's Twist at the end for 349...still didn't get them all, but I am getting much closer  I'd say I'm into the 250 mark, and after soccer practice and all the kicking I did today with the girls...I'm pretty darn happy with that.

So not a ton to say about tonight as it's 15 minutes of gut busting pain and boy am I gut busted!!!  So we'll roll right into pre/post.

Started a new cycle of the MNS-3 (my first round of 3 as I normally go with the E) and a late dinner tonight so we drop the regular Catalyst/Thermo mix.

Pre-workout - A-Supreme for an extra boost of fat burning love!

Post-workout - OmegaPlex - you just can't get enough!!!

Now I'm off to watch Iron-Man 2 with thanks to my buddy AJ for dropping it by!

What if?

What if…..

Those of you who know me, know that I am not much of a blogger, however since the last year of my life has been such a whirlwind some things have been weighing heavily on my heart. I have titled this blog what if, because as my husband and best friends know it is my favorite game in the world. Since my husband met me 17 yrs ago, I have battered him with what if scenarios, the more bizarre the better.
So I decided to talk about the last year of our life. September 2009, my husband had just been laid off from his job. I had been out of work for about a year. We had decided that it was time for me to focus on finishing school and not work anymore. Working a full time job, going to school and raising three daughters was starting to take it’s toll. But we never thought Derek would be out of work too.
All of a sudden we were in a situation that we had not prepared for. Both of us out of work, 2 mortgages, 2 car payments, and credit cards and unemployment was not going to cut it. We really didn’t know what we were going to do. Little did we know, God had a plan for us.
Later that month a childhood friend made a post about an opportunity she had. I responded and a few days later both my husband and I were sitting at her and her husband’s kitchen table listening to what their life had been like the past 7 yrs. My husband and I found ourselves asking, “what if.”
We decided to jump in. For the first couple months we were not overly active in our opportunity, but we made enough extra money to make ends meet. The real positive was it gave us time to be together and to be home with our kids. It also gave me an opportunity to see my dad a lot more since he had moved back from Kentucky a year earlier, and opportunity I would not have had if I had been working and going to school full time.
At this time in my life, it wasn’t about the money. I thought it was but really it was about time. Just two months after we became involved, I received a call from my stepmom on November 13th, that my dad was rushed to the hospital by ambulance.  You see my dad had been fighting cancer for almost 9 yrs then. I wasn’t overly concerned at that moment because I had just spoken with him 10 hours earlier and spent the day with him the day before that. He was doing great, full of energy and feeling good. But I rushed to the hospital anyways.
Later that day, sitting in the ICU with my brother, sister and stepmom the doctor told us how bad things really were. The next two days were filled with uncertainty and on Sunday, November 15th, my dad took his last breath. I can’t even begin to explain the sadness that I felt during this time.
Now looking back I believe God was preparing me for these things. I believe bringing my dad back to Washington the year earlier, me getting laid off and even putting this opportunity to make extra income in front of me were all part of his plans. You see if my dad was still living in Kentucky I wouldn’t have gotten to be with him as much as I was the last year. If I was still working I wouldn’t have been able to be with him like I was. My boss wouldn’t have let me drop everything over and over to be at the hospital and I would not have been able to take off 3 months of work afterwards like I did.
So my question to you is what if? What if you lost your job? What if you got sick and couldn’t work or your spouse did? What if you lost someone close to you? What if you stopped doing something you hated and followed your dreams again? What if you had the opportunity to stay home with your family? What if you didn’t have a boss? You could go on vacation anytime you wanted without asking anyone? What if every day when your kids came home, you had the opportunity to be there, not wondering what they were doing? What if?
In the past year I have seen so much tragedy, things that none of us ever wants to think about. I have watched a friend lose their child, a friend lose a brother, and I lost my dad. I have seen countless people lose their jobs, their homes, even their security. None of us are immune to the what if.
I have also discovered new friends, new hope and new security. I have witnessed amazing things happen when people believe that amazing things can happen and become prepared for the what ifs. I have seen my relationship with not only my husband but my children grow. We have the opportunity to witness them grow and be there for everything. We get to coach and encourage them in life.
Life is what you make of it. We continue to grow as a family every day. My challenge to you is to take a look at your life and ask yourself what if. Do you have a back up plan? What would you do if something life changing happened to you? Why wait until later? Why not do something now?
The opportunity that we have may not be for you, but what if it is?

Friday, October 1, 2010

Week 2 Day 5 - Back to the Gym!

Day 5???  What happened to day 4? Um...welcome to the hall of shame Mr. Osborne!!!  I'll be honest, I got lost in time playing a video game and by the time I looked up and thought, 'oh I need to hit the workout' it was 1am.  ARGH!!!  Bless me Father for I have sinned, it has been forever since my last confession.

I will say that my discipline for the last couple of months has been really really bad and I have been mentally beating myself with a stick for the last day or so over penance written.

Now - Day 5!  Back and Shoulders - feeeeel the burn baby!  As my shoulders are on fire as I type this, holy cow!

So I'll just get right to it as typing with my arms up is a bit on the uncomfortable side as they're still full of blood.  :D

Back - remember we are following the Rule of 3 this cycle - so 3 exercises with 3 sets.

Lat Pulldown V-Grip - this is the handle that you normally use for seated rows - looks like a V with a slight angel in the V.  Back straight - pulls to chin, keeping straight as possible through the movement - this is a controlled movement.
105 x 20
135 x 12
165 x 12

Standing Lunge Lawn Mowers - this is a single arm dumbbell exercise - drop your self into a deep lunge, knee over ankle with your back leg straight and back as far as comfortable.  One are rests on forward bent leg as the other pulls the weight from the floor to the chest.  Rotate your shoulders from parallel to the floor to perpendicular by rotating the hips as you bring the weight up - again control is key here.
40 x 20
50 x 12
60 x 12 - I was winded after this set as we are still working quickly thru each exercise.

Standing Pullovers - also known to me as the 'Notorious' Pullover - this is again a controlled movement - standing at the lat pulldown - grip the bar as far apart as you can keeping your hand parallel to the floor (don't grip the pads on a standard pulldown bar as they are generally at a 45) - half step back from the bench, bend your knees, keep your arms straight and pull the bar straight down to your waist.
50 x 20
75 x 12
90 x 7/75 x 5 - I got over confident here and had to drop weight - remember the faster we go through a workout the more muscle fatigue we have in our later exercises.  Bad Oz!


Standing Close Grip Front Cable Raises - no that's a mouthful huh? We are standing at the cable crossover machine, facing the pulleys. Using a small straight bar, grab as close to the cable hook as you can, keep your arms straight and lift completely above your head.
50 x 20
60 x 12
70 x 12

Seated Read Delt Flys - Hands above the shoulders on this exercise - we want to isolate the rear delts, one of the most neglected muscles in the upper body - so we keep our hands just a bit above shoulder height to keep from engaging the back at all.  Keep your arms straight, keep your chest on the pad and push your arms back.
50 x 20
90 x 12
105 x 12 - struggled with 11 and 12 here

Standing Straight Lateral Raise - I say straight because my standard lateral raise is slightly bent forward with the weights under the shoulders - this time we keep the weights even with the legs as we finish out the 3.  This forces more focus on an already burnt set of muscles.  Raise the weights above shoulder height and keep them at your sides through the entire movement.  It's ok to bend the elbows a bit but not so much as you have the weight in front of your body.

Pre-workout consisted of something a little different - wife ordered me a bottle of A-Supreme which will again help with the cardiovascular health, trim fat and help the body cope with stress...which obviously I am putting it through some extra at the moment, and of coarse the almighty Arginine Extreme - man I love that stuff!

Post-workout as always on weight days - Post-Workout Recovery - if I don't have my post, I won't workout - PERIOD.

Tomorrow is Chest and Arms and I've got some make-up to do!!!!

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Week 2 Day 3 - stretching the week out just a bit longer

WOOO BABY!!!  I have to say that X Stretch has got to be one of my favorite hours of the week.  I feel absolutely incredible.


Seriously?  Come on now, taking time to stretch the body and release the tension, drive away the tightness that builds up and just getting into a nice slow mental break?  How could you not love that? Sure there's a little pain, but it's a good pain.

Stretching is vital to keeping your muscles young and growing, increasing performance and just plain all around good health.  Stretchin the muscles not only encourages new growth, but it obviously increases flexibility as well as releases toxins from the muscles and soft tissues to the blood stream to get them outta the system...oh so nice.

Plus it's just plain relaxin!!!

Pre-workout - Catalyst x 3 and Thermo x 1 - I should just give these 4 pills a codename so I don't have to type that every time...any ideas?

Post-workout - the almighty OmegaPlex x 2 (if you guys aren't taking this everyday, you're doing yourself a disservice!) and tonight I hit the Nighttime Recovery - feeling a bit stiff and a little sore, so need that extra boost when I hit the rack.

Another round of Core Synergistics to get the mid section rolling tomorrow!!!

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Week 2 Day 2 - Is it humid or what???

Cause I was sweating like cold glass on frosty mornin...woooweee!

With the switch over bringing CardioX to Tuesday night, I will say that two days after legs, and following AbRipperX, man did my legs really pitch fits tonight!  On the other hand, I made it about 7 minutes further into the disk before having to 'take a quick break' making it to the 14 minute mark (for those who haven't done P90X before the timer counts down, so that's from 43:13 to 14...almost a half hour of effort before needing to take a breather)!!!  SWEET!  Totally pleased with myself.

I'll go over it again right quick, CardioX starts with a short warm up, goes into some good basic Yoga moves (all stretch postures, no balance) into KenpoX, which is really tough for me being a long time martial artist, my muscle memory here is really off key to the exercises and pace put up by Tony and finishing out with Plyometrics and then a 4 minute cool down.

Plyo's is where I finally the tire legs were on fire and I couldn't get a breath in.  :P  Wacky Jacks are always really fun though, so I forced my way through those.

Pre-workout today consisted of water - I knew I was going to have a late dinner so I took my daily dose of Catalyst x 3 and Thermo x 1 before lunch.

Post-workout today is the combined goodness of OmegaPlex and Bio-RQ.

Tomorrow...a nice long hour of stretching!!!

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Week 2 Day 1 - return of the abs!!!

Well I've got myself all in a quandary now...AbRipperX last week the day before Core Synergistics...didn't think it would be a big deal...but it WAS!!! OH MAN THE PAIN!!! that means, a we move AbRipperX to the front of the stack...sounds like a brilliant plan!


What?  wrong again?  really?  why?  arguably the hardest ab workout on record the day after legs...and soccer practice with the 12 year old girls?  Um...yea...the abs are ok, but the hip flexors are on FIRE!!!  First exercise...good, second exercise, good...third exercise...HOLY ISH!!!  Not so good.  I will say though, that I did better this week than I did last week, which is great as improvement is key in anything physical...but I certainly did not come close to the 349 reps of the almight AbRipperX...BRING IT!!!  I think I pulled in over half though...which considering all things is not too shabby.

So pre-workout - once again, no Arginine Extreme as it's a nighttime workout and with the new term starting today, I has to actually get up tomorrow which mean I has to actually go to sleep tonight.  :D  Stuck with the usual Catalyst x 3 and Thermoplus x 1.

Post workout - Omega Plex x 2 and Bio-RQ x 1 with a late night snack.

Tomorrow is back to CardioX!!!  Hope my legs will put up with it.  :D

Monday, September 27, 2010

Week 1 Day 7

HOLD ON!!!  What happened to day 6?  Well like all of you, I have a real life to and a family and sometimes things just get in the way...this time it was a tension headache like no other - I will say from experience, working out when you have a tension headache only makes it worse, so I don't do that anymore.  No chest and arms this week for me.

Now on to day 7 - legs, next to AbRipperX this is going to be the shortest workout of the week since we're following the rule of 3' I have a love/hate relationship with leg workouts.  I love them because my legs really perform for me on the weight floor, I guess being a catcher for 14 years really paid off that way, but we won't talk about my knees.  :D  The hate part comes in due to the fact that I have to work really hard to get a good burn, and when I do get a good burn, two days later I'm sore to the point of not being able to walk up stairs without using the hand rails...but since finding Post Workout Recovery that has actually gone I just hate legs because of the amount of work I have to put into them.

Sorry I didn't post up last night, I got home and got sidetracked by a few things and by the time I rmemebered I needed to put a post up, it was a little after 1am, time for bed.

Last nights workout consisted of this:

Lying Leg Press - standard leg press machine with the seat in the bottom position so your body is at a 90-100 degree bend, feet are shoulder with apart and in a mid/neutral position on the sled, or what I call a relaxed position on the sled.  The sled on this machine weights 60lbs and I stack it with 45lb plates.
4 plates x 20 (240lb)
12 plates x 12 (600lbs)
14 plates x 12 (690lbs)

Seated Leg Extension - neutral seating position on the bench, legs are roughly 8-10 apart on the pad.  Follow the instructions on the machine you are using to make sure you are seated correctly (or ask a trainer).
100 x 20
130 x 12
145 x 12

Seated Leg Curls - same as leg extensions - neutral position but with feet together on pad this time.
100 x 20
115 x 12
130 x 12

Last nights pre-workout mix was just the standard Catalyst x 3 and Thrermo x 1 - I know if I want to get to sleep before 4am, that Arginine is not an option after 8pm.

Post workout consisted of Post-Workout Recovery and the Omega Plex x 2.

Now this week is going to see some changes due to some lessons learned last week, so we'll be switching CardioX to Wednesdays and starting the week off with my favorite, AbRipperX!!!  yuk

Friday, September 24, 2010

Weight a minute!!! Week 1 Day 5

Today starts weight/resistance training.  First a couple of rules for the week.

Rule 1 - The Rule of 3 - 3 exercises per body part, 3 reps per, 3 minute break between exercises (not sets).
Rule 2 - 20, 12, 12 - if you cannot do 12 for set 2 and set 3, you are doing to much weight.  Rep 10, 11 and 12 need to be tough though.
Rule 3 - No spotter - again if you can't do 12 ON YOUR OWN, too much weight.

Now that we've got the ground rules laid out, lets look at a couple of details.  We are working on perfect form this week, so no sloppy reps and no cheater sets.  That means holding correct lines and staying true to form.  We are also working on speed this week, so we need to do our sets quickly but controlled.  This will help us to set the pace for the next 3 weeks - quick and controlled.

If you are working with a partner then you need to start your set right as they complete theirs so you have very short breaks between sets (remember though 3 minutes between exercises). If you are working solo, time your set and take the exact same time between sets - so if your set takes 36 seconds you get a 36 second break. This is important as it keeps constant tension on the muscle and starts an early muscular endurance, this coupled with the first 4 days of the workout will make cycles 2 and 3 a little easier to manage.

With that out of the way - here's what I did tonight - Friday - Back and Shoulders (always start with the major muscle groups this cycle).

Back (concentration on upper back and neck muscles today):

Seated Cable Rows - twin grip (palms facing each other at a slight angle) - back at roughly 95-100 degrees (so leaning back just past straight up) no flexion in the torso, so back stays in one plane as you pull and release weight.  As you bring the weight to you, pinch your shoulder blades together and push your chest out.
115 x 20
135 x 12
165 x 12

Machine Seated Row - Place seat so your elbows are parallel to the ground and keep them on this plane as you contract weight back - chest should be forced into chest pad and control maintained to keep it there.
105 x 20
115 x 15
135 x 15 (this one was tough for me)

Standing Upright Rows - weight is pulled up to chin from a resting position (hands at waist shoulder width apart) with small straight bar barbell (the ones that are about 3-4 feet wide).
50 x 20
70 x 12
80 x 12


Seated Dumbbell Press (I got too ambitious on this one, failed a set and had to do a drop pay attentions to what you grab - fatigue hits faster than normal on this type of workout)!
55 x 20
65 x 9 (failed set)
55 x 8.5 followed by 35 x 6

Standing Dumbbell Front Raises - back straight, arms straight but do not lock the elbows, you can injure yourself.
15 x 20
20 x 12
25 x 12

Standing Lateral Dumbbell Raises - back slightly bent forward (20 degrees at the waist) arms under the chest, raise arms to the side, keeping hands above elbows all the way through the movement.
15 x 20
20 x 12
25 x 12

Of coarse the workout requires the customary pre-workout Arginine Extreme, Catalyst x 3 and Thermoplus x 1.

Post-workout Recovery immediately following the final set as I leave to the car.

Tomorrow - Chest and Arms!!!

HardCORE Synergistics!!!


Alrighty, over the halfway point in the first week.  Tonight, Core Synergistics.'s a rough workout, and going from zero to this is just harsh.  I made it most of the way through, a few extra breaks here and there, and I learned one solid lesson...don't do it the day after Ab Ripper X...MORON!  So next week, we'll be rotating the old Ab Ripper X and X Stretch to space the pain in the mid-section out a bit.  I will say this, it kept me from finishing a few exercises and I most definitely feel it now.

Short post tonight as it's fairly simple, compound movements with concentration on CORE muscles, so a good amount of twists, bends and rotations, some with weight, some without. For those of you who want to know, I used 8lb dumbbells.  Two reasons, start slow, and my next option is 20's.  :D  I don't own 12's or 15's...time to look at picking up some select techs!

So late dinner tonight so nothing pre-workout as I had a full stomach, which should prove that while supplementation is good and it's important, it doesn't have to happen every single workout, but make sure you get that CorePlex every single day!!!!

Pre-workout - 6 oz of water.

Post-workout - Post Workout Recovery!!!! OmegaPlex and Bio-RQ

So tomorrow start in on the weights/resistance training.  I'll be posting a recount of the entire workout with exercises, sets and reps.  A lot of my friends and family have through the years asked me to 'write them a program' - well's mine!!! Make sure you pick up some Muscle Gain, Arginine Extreme and/or Muscle Strength, cause we're going to build some lean mass!!!  (notice I didn't say we're going to get huge or ripped there???).

Get some rest people, tomorrows no joke!!!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Week 1 Day 3

If cardio is my NEMESIS than abs are the evil genius behind every ploy to squash me as a man!!!

Man I hate abs and boy does it show - Ab Ripper X tears me up every time I try it...and yes I mean try it.  First problem...second...ok I got this...third...break time already???  fourth...who's your daddy?  fifth...I OWN YOU!!!  sixth...OZ YOU SUCK!!!  seventh...mmomy.....

Oh I finished it...but after the third set I was consistently taking a break at 12 or 15 of 25 and then tryin to hammer out the last 5. The one thing'll get better, one day.  :D

So short post today - pre-workout- just a single Thermoplus - post workout - the almighty Omegaplex!

Tomorrow comes Core Synergistics...time to get sweaty!!!  This workout is tough, but pretty fun.  Lots of core work and some good cross over.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Week 1 Day 2

X Stretch!!!

What a great little workout - an hours worth of static and ballistic stretching, it's not only a bit painful, but very relaxing and boy does it feel good!  So why X Stretch for day 2?  Well anyone who's ever worked out with me knows I'm a very flexible guy, but that I also am in the camp that you should do a light warm up before your workout or athletic activity/competition and not stretching, but that I do think stretching is very important and a huge buff to athletic performance and muscle growth.

WHAT?  Wait a minute, isn't that a bit contradictory?  Not at all, flexibility is paramount to increased strength and muscle growth as well as improved performance, but in my opinion it should be done separate from your regular exercise and competitions. The reason is simple, when you stretch properly you actually tear muscle tissue, just like when you do resistance training.  If you over stretch and tear the muscle to the point where it is weak in structure you open yourself to injury more easily and at times more drastically.

Now with X Stretch you get a good workout in, I'm not dripping with sweat but I broke one thats for sure. And you can really feel it! I will sleep very well tonight and will be very refreshed in the morning, most definitely an hour worth spending.

So pre-workout today was not as intensive as yesterday - only the Catalyst and Thermo:

Catalyst - 3 pills about 20 minutes prior - this was designed for the US Olympic Wrestling team and basically gives your muscles instruction, puts a protective coat over then and forces your body to burn fat instead.  One of my top 3 picks for the Advocare line of products.

Thermoplus - this is a great thermogenic which increases your core temp and helps your body burn and metabolize fat.  1 pill taken with my Catalyst. 

Post workout today:

Omega Plex - 2 pills immediately following with plenty of water - essential Omega3 fatty acids to help promote good cardiovascular health, improved blood flow and nutrient delivery.  And with dinner right after the workout, this will help deliver those nutrient to the right place that much quicker.

Bio-RQ - anti-oxidant support to help with improved cardiovascular health and support healthy aging, cause with heart disease in my family history, I want to make sure I'm taking all the steps I can to keep it from impacting my life.

Todays workout was relaxing and enjoyable, I hope you feel so too if you're following along at home!!!

Tomorrow is gonna make me cry however - as abs I Oz just don't get along.  :D

Monday, September 20, 2010

Week 1 Day 1

Anyone who's worked out with me knows...Cardio is my NEMESIS!!!  I just can't stand it, but it's time to face the needs to be done, and I have to do it.  So today being day one, what better way to start out the new cycle then with CardioX!!!

Now I really enjoy Tony and his goofy sideliner comments and I actually really appreciate the way he trains, he reminds me a lot of how I used to train others, so seeing from his point of view is very easy for me.

With not having done any consistent cardio work in a good 5-6 months and having taken the last 3 weeks off, let's just say that today's workout was just that.  It was tough, I found myself huffin, my calves were on fire and I sucked down about 24oz of water in a 45 minute program.

For those of you who have not had the pleasure of the P90X series, I will say this, CardioX is actually pretty decent.  I had never done it before as I chose to do PlyoX instead when I went through the program last year.  I will say that CardioX is a nice little mix of YogaX, KenpoX, and PlyoX - it gets your heart rate up and the body sweating.  On top of that the pace is good and there's enough mix to keep things from getting stale and becoming boring. I did enjoy it for the most part...although it is cardio.

So pre-work today consisted of a couple of things roughly 20-30 minutes before I began.  Here's the breakdown:

Spark - about 45 minutes before (I skipped my morning Spark and opted for a little bit later to help the energy level get up there for the first workout -- I'll do the same the rest of the week though.)

Catalyst - 3 pills about 20 minutes prior - this was designed for the US Olympic Wrestling team and basically gives your muscles instruction, puts a protective coat over then and forces your body to burn fat instead.  One of my top 3 picks for the Advocare line of products.

Thermoplus - this is a great thermogenic which increases your core temp and helps your body burn and metabolize fat.  1 pill taken with my Catalyst. 

Arginine Extreme - 15-20 minutes prior (directions call for 30 minutes, but with a 10 minute warm up, it starts to kick in when I get rolling!) -  referred to as 'beast juice' this stuff really takes my workout to the next level - a fantastic mix of amino acids and B vitamins, I have yet to find anything in it's equal - another of my top 3!

Immediately following my workout 2 scoops of Post Workout Recovery is mandatory - no matter what type of workout.  My number 1 favorite product of all time, I will simply not workout if I don't have any Post...the stuff is just that amazing.

And with that, it has begun...tomorrow - X Stretch...time to lengthen and really get those muscles pulled apart!!!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

IT'S CHALLENGE TIME!!! Can ya dig it?

So I am currently coming off of a 3 week resting period as I've been really hammering my body for the last 8 months or so non stop so it was time to get a little extra rest. Tomorrow begins the elevated exercise program.  What exactly is that?  Well it's 7 days of total head to toe body decimation.  I'm taking 4 parts of the P90X program (yes I've done the whole thing in the past) and 3 days of my own personal weight training program and making them one big happy family. Sound tough?  I expect it to be.  So lemme break it down for you.

There will be 3 cycles of 4 weeks with 1 week breaks between cycles.  Each week will start with the P90 series at home Monday thru Thursday with Friday, Saturday and Sunday seeing gym time at the local 24 with a return to my favorite system of sets and reps.

Now the way this workout is scheduled and set up, it can be modified to fit any fitness level, if you want help with modifying it to fit your fitness level, give me a call and we'll get it done.  So with this new program, I'm actually going to keep a daily log here on this blog and let you all know what I'm taking before my workout, what my workout consisted of and what I'm taking after my workout.  You'll be able to see my performance and my results over time.  My goal is not to increase my strength overly much but to gain about 10lbs of lean mass and cut my body fat % as much as possible.

Those of you familiar with the P90 system know it's tough and just jumping straight in hurts...alot. So my first cycle will be an 'ease in' cycle where I work into a more aggressive second and third cycle.  I also will not be using any of the weight oriented exercise rotations from the program, all cardio and stretching disks.  I enjoy the heavy work in the gym, so I'm going to keep that part of my personal program and utilize the P90 system for it's excellent cardio and yoga systems.

Now I invite you all to join me on this challenge, either in person (yes you're welcome to come over to my place or meet me at the gym) or online, posting your own progress and keeping pace.

So without further ado here is 1Cycle:

Monday - CardioX
Tuesday - X Stretch
Wednesday - Ab Ripper X
Thursday - Core Synergistics
Friday - Back and Shoulders
Saturday - Chest and Arms
Sunday - Legs

I'm ready...are you?

Friday, September 17, 2010

Direct Selling News

Reputation is everything in the game plan for success.

Behind every successful business is a reputation of excellence. How would you grade yours? Do you know or care? You should.

Your reputation is everything. But what does “reputation” really mean? The CEO and founder of Amazon defines reputation as “what people say about you when you have left the room.” What do people say about your company when you leave the room?
Reputations take years to build but seconds to lose. At AdvoCare, we believe reputation is about everything a company does—from the products it sells, to each marketing campaign and the attitude of every employee. That’s why we place such a strong emphasis on it.
As an award-winning member of the Direct Selling Association, AdvoCare is reputation-driven and truly believes reputation is everything. That’s the reason we go the extra mile to ensure our products not only work, but they are safe through our Scientific & Medical Advisory Board and Informed-Choice certification.

Read the article here:

Direct Selling News

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Monday, June 14, 2010

Heavy Metals!!!

Great read!

Reposed here without permission:

(CBS) For many people trying to get in shape or bulk up quickly, protein shakes are part of a daily workout regime.

Protein drinks are being advertised as a way to boost fitness, and that marketing targets everyone from body builders to teenagers.

But, according to a new study, over-consuming some of those products could be dangerous.

“Early Show” Consumer Correspondent Susan Koeppen takes a look at an investigation being released Monday by Consumer Reports.

Though manufacturers and salesmen say that these products are safe, the new study says some protein drinks may cause health problems over time. The investigation found some contain things like arsenic, cadmium, and lead.

CBS News took a hidden camera to nutrition stores in New York City asking about these supplemental drinks, but not one sales person warned about possible health risks.

Some said taking more than recommended doses wouldn't hurt.

But trainer/dietician Erin Palinski says, not so. "They're actually going to harm their health if they do excessive amounts," said Palinski.

Experts say too much protein can lead to dehydration and digestive problems, increase your risk for osteoporosis, and for some people, cause kidney problems.

And now, an investigation appearing in the July issue of Consumer Reports finds that some protein drinks could be toxic, if you take too much.

Says CR's Urvashi Rangan, "We tested about 15 different types of protein drinks. ... And we actually looked for four different heavy metals. We looked for arsenic, cadmium, mercury, and lead."

Test results found heavy metals present in all 15 drinks -- some more than others.

Consumer Reports says three products were of particular concern -- because consuming three servings a day could result in exposure to arsenic, cadmium or lead that exceed proposed limits for contaminants:

• Eas Myoplex (Arsenic, Cadmium)
• Muscle Milk-Chocolate (Cadmium, Lead)
• Muscle Milk-Vanilla Crème (Lead)

Urvashi Rangan, Consumer Reports, said, "What we're concerned about here is the chronic low level exposure of a heavy metal. And what people should know, is that heavy metals, once they come into our bodies, once they're metabolized, they tend to stay there for a long period of time."

The supplement industry disputes claims that protein shakes could be harmful.

Andrew Shao, of the Council for Responsible Nutrition, says, "The results of this analysis aren't alarming. The heavy metals that were found are well below the limits FDA (Food and Drug Administration) would be concerned about, so they don't pose a health risk to consumers at all."

But Consumer Reports says there is little regulation requiring manufacturers to prove their protein drinks are safe.

"We think the FDA should be tracking these products better," says Rangan, "and that is not happening at this time."

The manufacturers of those three products say independent testing shows their products are within government safety standards even if taken three times a day.

Still, CR notes there other ways to get protein at a cheapter price, such as:

• Half a chicken breast (27 grams of protein, 62 cents per serving)
• Three glasses of milk (23 grams of protein, 60 cents per serving)
• Three scrambled eggs (20 grams of protein, 46 cents per serving)

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

More basic training!!!

Boy where does the time go? I guess I need to make my blogger dashboard my homepage otherwise I just don't remember to update. It's that whole outta site outta mind thing right?

Well lets get to some workout basics today shall we? Understanding a few basic concepts will help to lay down a simple foundation of good habits and greater gains as you progress. Some more of my basic steps to a great program are these:

1. Proper breathing - it's important to breath while you are exercising and to breath properly. This really is the biggest thing I notice people not doing correctly when working out. For the longest time Britt would hold her breath while we were lifting, that's not so good. So what's the right way? Well there's a few schools of thought on the matter and most people say that as long as you inhale on one part of the movement (either positive or negative) and you exhale on the other you'll be fine. Now while true to some extent there is an optimal way to breath during weight training, just like there is during running, swinging a bat, playing billiards or even shooting a rifle. To get the most from your lungs during a lift you want to inhale on the negative portion of the lift and hold - lowering the weight on a squat as an example - then exhale forcibly as you crest the half way point of the positive movement. This allows you to drive more force in the lift with each rep and allows for controlled breathing during your exercise sets.

2. Rest between sets - Now unless your doing specific training you want to get 60-90 seconds of rest between each set (another great reason to have a workout partner!) which will allow your body to recover and let you continue on. Larger muscles require more rest than smaller muscles, so extending past 90 seconds on muscles like your back or chest is perfectly fine and shortening up on smaller muscles is ok as well, just realize that the less time you have for rest, the weaker your next set will be...burnout training is amazing, but painful! :D

3. Weight Control - The speed in which you move the weight is important. My long time friend and mentor in the gym John Taylor (former Mr. Pacific NW and Mr. Oregon) had a simple rule. When you are in a movement and I say stop you have to stop that movement withing an inch of where you are or you are moving too fast. Control prevents injury. It also allows your muscle and not gravity or momentum to do the work.

4. Range of motion - Cutting or reducing your range of motion in an exercise will increase the likelihood of injury as well as decrease the amount of growth in your muscle. Taking weight through a full and deliberate motion will not only promote growth and greater strength but will also increase flexibility.

5. Over Training - A large number of people (guys especially) think that the more the train the more they grow. Your body grows when you rest, not when you workout. If you do not give it time to recover you will keep your body from reaching its maximum potential. Lifting more than 3-4 times a week unless you're an advanced lifter or competitor will keep your muscle from repairing and growing. In the beginning workout 3-4 days a week and get 3-4 days rest. Couple with the right nutrition and supplementation you've got a formula for success no matter what your goal.

If you'd like more information on anything here or a tailored program for yourself, let me know. I have started training again and am currently working on my third certification through the American College of Sports Medicine.

I will be starting group classes soon!

Till next time...unleash your inner Champion!!!!


Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Never quit

Keeping up with a blog can sometimes get lost in the days, it's not as easy as one would think.  Even though I have it up regularly I seem to look over it, or say to myself, 'ack, I haven't written anything in days...well weeks now' and remind myself I need to.  Then I get sidetracked and move on to one of the thousand other things I feel I have to do.  It's really easy to see how my life has been a scramble of this that or the other thing for the last 36 years...holy cow!  For being a fairly organized person, I sure do have a TON of incomplete projects and long lasting dreams, that seem to fall to the wayside on a regular basis. So I've been cleaning out all my old emails and found this little bit which seems to help alleviate my melon of some of the stress of having all those 'I really need to complete this' projects...

The only way to lose is to quit. As long as you continue
to make the effort, you have not lost. Everyone experiences
setbacks. However, winners experience the most setbacks
because winners persist as long as it takes to win.
Does it ever seem that you are blocked in every direction?
That's the time to get creative, become more flexible, and
open yourself to the possibilities that are most certainly
Sometimes when you get stuck in a rut, the rut can suddenly
and unexpectedly run out. And what a great opportunity that
can be for you to climb out of that rut, look around, and
see all the valuable things you've been missing.
Never quit. Use each setback, each disappointment as a cue
to push on ahead with more determination than ever before.
Never quit, and you will always be a winner.

Ralph Marston

I may not have taken the time to have written a mile of dialogue, but I think this little piece is short, sweet and to the point, so I'll leave you with the idea that it's OK to have incomplete works and projects in your life as long as you don't ever quit and return to see them through to the end.  Always look for the light, always strive to overcome, learn from the errors, pick yourself up when you fall down, dust yourself off and drive to be the Champion we all have locked deep inside of us!

Saturday, March 13, 2010

The Power of a Word

Today I'm going to speak about the most powerful word in the English language - 'can't'.

This year I have the opportunity to help coach my daughters soccer team.  She's plays both Spring and Fall soccer, so twice a week I get to yell at 17 12 yr old about fun!!!  :P  The head coach asked my wife if I'd be interested as the previous assistant coach's daughter moved on to a select team and he noticed that the girls always seemed to work harder at the end of practices when I showed up.  I believe this is mostly due to me getting on my daughter to beat the girl next to her...creating competition by motivated yelling.  :D

At this mornings game...we had first field, so 9 a.m. and our team is traditionally not very 'in-tune' with morning play, so we always get off to a bit of a late start.  We've got a gal on our team, she's lighting quick, has great ball handling skills and can work her way through a field of defenders, but she's got one little hitch...she's a toe punter, and all she thinks she can do it toe punt the ball.  Well anyone who plays soccer knows that a toe punt is great for distance but not good for control.  As the final part of our warm-up this morning we had the girls two lining shots on goal with the shot coming from the left side.  This forces a right footed player to shoot on the uncomfortable side of the ball or to stumble enough to try and reset their position.  So the purpose of this drill was to get the girls to take soft line on the ball and gain control for a shot.  Well the shot itself needs to come off the inside of the foot as it's an in the box shot with a goalie, so control is important here.  She was the second to last player to take a shot, she toe punted the ball and it sailed left of the post and out of bounds.  'I can't do this' was what she said to me.

'As long as you tell yourself you 'can't' you will never be able to do it.'

'My brother played soccer for 12 years and he tried to teach me to kick like that, I'm just a toe punter.'

So I took her aside and we did a few kick drills...I won't get into specifics but we worked about 25 shots on a small goal on the sidelines as the game started.  There were a couple of 'I cant's' in the beginning but we worked outside of that mindset...we focused on what we needed to do and foot positioning.  For the first half this young lady got down on herself, with a couple of 'I sucks' and another 'I can't' or two as we rotated her on and off the field.  The last time she came off the field I told her she needed to change her attitude, her negativity was out of place and she needed to smile.  She sulked for a bit but started the second half with a better mental mindset.

For the second half we set her as right mid-fielder and her very first possession of the second half she dribbled the ball from 10 ft on our side of the field down the inside line, beat three defenders, got to the goal box and put a shot on goal WITH THE INSIDE OF HER FOOT!!!  She scored and ran back down field with a huge smile on her face...I asked her this 'What was that?'...her reply was just two words.


Sometimes it does take a success for us to realize that we can do ANYTHING we set out minds to.  A little practice, some insight and help from a coach or mentor or even some encouragement from a friend or a family member can be all it takes to change how you think.

The next time someone tells you that you 'can't' do something, you have two choices.  You can tell them that they are right, agree that you can't and stop yourself short of doing something AMAZING or you can tell them they are wrong, show them the power of believing in yourself and let nothing stop you and simple be AMAZING by doing AMAZING things!!!!