Friday, October 1, 2010

Week 2 Day 5 - Back to the Gym!

Day 5???  What happened to day 4? Um...welcome to the hall of shame Mr. Osborne!!!  I'll be honest, I got lost in time playing a video game and by the time I looked up and thought, 'oh I need to hit the workout' it was 1am.  ARGH!!!  Bless me Father for I have sinned, it has been forever since my last confession.

I will say that my discipline for the last couple of months has been really really bad and I have been mentally beating myself with a stick for the last day or so over penance written.

Now - Day 5!  Back and Shoulders - feeeeel the burn baby!  As my shoulders are on fire as I type this, holy cow!

So I'll just get right to it as typing with my arms up is a bit on the uncomfortable side as they're still full of blood.  :D

Back - remember we are following the Rule of 3 this cycle - so 3 exercises with 3 sets.

Lat Pulldown V-Grip - this is the handle that you normally use for seated rows - looks like a V with a slight angel in the V.  Back straight - pulls to chin, keeping straight as possible through the movement - this is a controlled movement.
105 x 20
135 x 12
165 x 12

Standing Lunge Lawn Mowers - this is a single arm dumbbell exercise - drop your self into a deep lunge, knee over ankle with your back leg straight and back as far as comfortable.  One are rests on forward bent leg as the other pulls the weight from the floor to the chest.  Rotate your shoulders from parallel to the floor to perpendicular by rotating the hips as you bring the weight up - again control is key here.
40 x 20
50 x 12
60 x 12 - I was winded after this set as we are still working quickly thru each exercise.

Standing Pullovers - also known to me as the 'Notorious' Pullover - this is again a controlled movement - standing at the lat pulldown - grip the bar as far apart as you can keeping your hand parallel to the floor (don't grip the pads on a standard pulldown bar as they are generally at a 45) - half step back from the bench, bend your knees, keep your arms straight and pull the bar straight down to your waist.
50 x 20
75 x 12
90 x 7/75 x 5 - I got over confident here and had to drop weight - remember the faster we go through a workout the more muscle fatigue we have in our later exercises.  Bad Oz!


Standing Close Grip Front Cable Raises - no that's a mouthful huh? We are standing at the cable crossover machine, facing the pulleys. Using a small straight bar, grab as close to the cable hook as you can, keep your arms straight and lift completely above your head.
50 x 20
60 x 12
70 x 12

Seated Read Delt Flys - Hands above the shoulders on this exercise - we want to isolate the rear delts, one of the most neglected muscles in the upper body - so we keep our hands just a bit above shoulder height to keep from engaging the back at all.  Keep your arms straight, keep your chest on the pad and push your arms back.
50 x 20
90 x 12
105 x 12 - struggled with 11 and 12 here

Standing Straight Lateral Raise - I say straight because my standard lateral raise is slightly bent forward with the weights under the shoulders - this time we keep the weights even with the legs as we finish out the 3.  This forces more focus on an already burnt set of muscles.  Raise the weights above shoulder height and keep them at your sides through the entire movement.  It's ok to bend the elbows a bit but not so much as you have the weight in front of your body.

Pre-workout consisted of something a little different - wife ordered me a bottle of A-Supreme which will again help with the cardiovascular health, trim fat and help the body cope with stress...which obviously I am putting it through some extra at the moment, and of coarse the almighty Arginine Extreme - man I love that stuff!

Post-workout as always on weight days - Post-Workout Recovery - if I don't have my post, I won't workout - PERIOD.

Tomorrow is Chest and Arms and I've got some make-up to do!!!!

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