Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Week 4 Day 1 - It's all downhill from here!

Wooooweee!!!  Holy cow, into week 4 already?  Next week is a break week...so very little in the way of updates unless I read a fabulous article I must share.

So AbRipperX last night...again it's not AbRipper 100 or 200...it's AbRipper 349!!!  Did I get all the way through?  Nope...failed again!!!  Abs right after legs is just plain painful...so I missed 5 or 6 here and 5 or 6 there...so I would estimate that I hit the 300-310 mark...getting closer but there are still a few that just destroy me...I'm looking at you Mr. Crunchy Frog!

Again my pre-workout is a bit different since there's no huge output on ARX night - so it started with one of my super duper awesomely possomly Muscle Gain shakes 45 minutes before, followed by the Catalyst/Thermo combo we've come to know and love 15 minutes later.

What's in the shake you ask? Oh that's simple...here's my recipe for one of my fav's and the one I had yesterday.

One whole banana
3 frozen strawberries
3 ice cubes
2 scoops of Vanilla Muscle Gain
8-10oz of OJ

MMMMM tasty!!!

Post - workout once again is the super dee duper OmegaPlex.

Tonight...I'm ready to sweat like a mad man!!!

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