Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Week 4 Day 7 - End Cycle 1

Sweet!!!  I made it through the first cycle without dying...missed a couple of workouts and learned quite a bit from this new experience.  I've never worked out 7 days a week before.  Ever.

I'll go over my last leg workout right quick and sometime in the next couple of days, I'll recap and post my thoughts, what I've learned and what I have planned for Cycle 2.

Lying Leg Press - standard leg press machine with the seat in the bottom position so your body is at a 90-100 degree bend, feet are shoulder with apart and in a mid/neutral position on the sled, or what I call a relaxed position on the sled.  The sled on this machine weights 60lbs and I stack it with 45lb plates.
4 plates x 20 (240lb)
14 plates x 12 (600lbs)
16 plates x 12 (690lbs)

Seated Leg Extension - neutral seating position on the bench, legs are roughly 8-10 apart on the pad.  Follow the instructions on the machine you are using to make sure you are seated correctly (or ask a trainer).
130 x 20
145 x 12
160 x 12

Seated Leg Curls - same as leg extensions - neutral position but with feet together on pad this time.
115 x 20
130 x 12
145 x 12

I know I's the same workout I did week 1...well too bad, that's what I did!  :D  Honestly I wasn't in the mood to get creative and since I write everything in a journal I take with me to the gym, I had a roadmap.

Pre-workout consists of Arginine Extreme, Catalyst x 3 and Thermo x 2

Post-workout - Post-Workout Recovery immediately after final set and OmegaPlex on the arrival at home.

Recap to follow soon!!!

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