Monday, September 27, 2010

Week 1 Day 7

HOLD ON!!!  What happened to day 6?  Well like all of you, I have a real life to and a family and sometimes things just get in the way...this time it was a tension headache like no other - I will say from experience, working out when you have a tension headache only makes it worse, so I don't do that anymore.  No chest and arms this week for me.

Now on to day 7 - legs, next to AbRipperX this is going to be the shortest workout of the week since we're following the rule of 3' I have a love/hate relationship with leg workouts.  I love them because my legs really perform for me on the weight floor, I guess being a catcher for 14 years really paid off that way, but we won't talk about my knees.  :D  The hate part comes in due to the fact that I have to work really hard to get a good burn, and when I do get a good burn, two days later I'm sore to the point of not being able to walk up stairs without using the hand rails...but since finding Post Workout Recovery that has actually gone I just hate legs because of the amount of work I have to put into them.

Sorry I didn't post up last night, I got home and got sidetracked by a few things and by the time I rmemebered I needed to put a post up, it was a little after 1am, time for bed.

Last nights workout consisted of this:

Lying Leg Press - standard leg press machine with the seat in the bottom position so your body is at a 90-100 degree bend, feet are shoulder with apart and in a mid/neutral position on the sled, or what I call a relaxed position on the sled.  The sled on this machine weights 60lbs and I stack it with 45lb plates.
4 plates x 20 (240lb)
12 plates x 12 (600lbs)
14 plates x 12 (690lbs)

Seated Leg Extension - neutral seating position on the bench, legs are roughly 8-10 apart on the pad.  Follow the instructions on the machine you are using to make sure you are seated correctly (or ask a trainer).
100 x 20
130 x 12
145 x 12

Seated Leg Curls - same as leg extensions - neutral position but with feet together on pad this time.
100 x 20
115 x 12
130 x 12

Last nights pre-workout mix was just the standard Catalyst x 3 and Thrermo x 1 - I know if I want to get to sleep before 4am, that Arginine is not an option after 8pm.

Post workout consisted of Post-Workout Recovery and the Omega Plex x 2.

Now this week is going to see some changes due to some lessons learned last week, so we'll be switching CardioX to Wednesdays and starting the week off with my favorite, AbRipperX!!!  yuk

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