Friday, October 8, 2010

Week 3 Day 4 - it's all about the Core!

So as I was getting set to get my sweat on last night, I ran out of gas...literally just hit a wall of no return.  So for the first time in 2 yrs I actually went to bed before midnight.

So first thing this morning...well third thing actually as I dropped the girls of at school as the first and second things.  :P  I fired up the Core Synergitics and went to work.  This one still hurts the most for's just brutal, and some of you know that I've got a bad back, and this morning it wasn't being nice to me, but I wasn't in pain, so for the most part I just worked through it.  Felt great after though, and the back has been super tight all day long which is forcing me to take a pause on my normal Friday night workout - I know when I can push it and when I shouldn't and believe me I don't want to end up laid up for 3 days.  It's not fun...I cry...alot.

So no weights tonight - but I'll be all over it tomorrow, we may push the days over 1 and do a double workout on Monday...maybe.  We'll see.

So this morning

Pre - workout - good breakfast and a protein shake as my pre-workout (still on the MNS 3)

Post - workout - OmegaPlex x 2

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